^.^ The Ultimate Torrent Trader ^.^, :- Perfect Torrent Trading Software -:

adciti's blog life!


Ever visited mininova or thepiratebay? Ever thought to yourself, I'd like to start my own tracker, that'd be pretty nice. Well now you can! With Torrent Trader. Theres one to suite and level of experienced user and web server.

Note: Install guide is included in the file download.

TorrentTrader Version Releases

Torrent Trader Lite
Torrent Trader lite is perfect for minimalists and novices. It requires not SQL server, just upload the files and your ready to go! Very Happy

Torrent Trader Classic

The classic version provides more customization and features, it also offers alot more performance. Not recommended for a novice user.

Torrent Trader

Basic install files for the original torrent trader. This release is probably the most customizable. It's also the version hardest to install and configuration. DON'T attempt this if your new to Torrent Trader.

VBTT - Torrent Trader add on for vbulletin
Already have a good vBulletin forum setup? Just install this onto your original vBulletin and it simply adds a tracker and info to the users profile about their torrent upload/downloads.




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