MilkShape 3D 1.8.0

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MilkShape 3D 1.8.2
Size: 5.32 MB
MilkShape 3D is a low-polygon modeler initially designed for Half-Life. During development, many file formats were added. MilkShape 3D has all the basic operations such as select, move, rotate, scale, extrude, turn edge, and subdivide. MilkShape 3D also allows low-level editing with the vertex and face tool. Primitives such as spheres, boxes, and cylinders are also available. MilkShape 3D also has skeletal animation capabilities. This allows you to export to morph target animation such as the ones in the Quake model formats or to export to skeletal animations such as Half-Life or Genesis3d. MilkShape 3D currently supports 49 different file formats from 28 different games/engines/programs.

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