Tips Get Project

adciti's blog life!

Tips wins Bid Project IT
Communication combine and Strategy

  1. Search project IT what do you can work as much it. then Make Bid that project. more and more project what does you follow the greater you will get project.
  2. After bid project, send private message order goes to Buyer, make good communication with buyer, start word "dear" ended up by "regards".
  3. Communication goes on with buyer, talk over more a lot of about project, workmanship estimation and attach also you portfolio . and remembers, don't Over Promise besides plus Under Deliver. If can trust from buyer, usually there is project affix.

    if e.g., there is buyer what does give sample, continually you have known that requested same buyer, attempt even causes sample of the that buyer's sample, e.g., you were given by sample A.doc, and you have known trick make it, but its software was given with buyer, you work before vesture visio or another program, ship turns back to go to buyer, usually buyer is forthcoming respect goes to you, its problem is intention causes sample, eventually software it was given.
  4. Recognize character the Buyer of he offer's sentence project's bidding . worker is serious?, easy going? sometime there is buyer jokes. Our thus can do carries appropriate he offer.
  5. At getafreelancer, if wants serious be made work, upgrade your membership becomes member gold so fee is payment not there is abataments. This tips special what does serious intention in here. Since, can you imagine if you that project can 1000 dollars, cut as 900 dollars
There are several rule that need so been done we win project:
FP: Freelance Provider
FB: Freelance Buyer

On the level:
FP: on the level your ability count, don't be exaggerated, can become boomerang causative no FB believer with you
FB: give information squarely, and fledged, what do need to be passed on to FP, let she is easily estimate budget and timeliness

FP: Before deal project, pass on how long you can solves project that and actualizes
FB: If wants your project is finished on schedule, therefore support FP's need, no until behind schedule

Perfect Deliverable:
FP: After project is finished, as once offers after sales service
FB: According to deal with, don't delay project's payment already is finished

10 Common Big Mistake Freelancer :

1. Just is Register, don'thing, no. browse project, no. action bid, no. make communication with buyer
this is fatal fault that often happens. how can get project if you are not browse project and doing project's offer. To get project you must active to look for project that you can work.

2. Insufficiently Self-confident
this fault also frequent happening, insufficiently self-confident because perceives freelancer any other pro and etc. if it happens you distress will get project. if you perceive can work project gone in for only. and looks on freelancer any other as daring as has you to defeat

3. Distress makes communication that nicely with buyer
this fault causes buyer doubt with you competence. 80% freelancer gets project is their active do communication with buyer

4. Waiting Bidding Deadline, Then you submit new entry
approximately was remained one day, then you submit bid project new, eventually getting startup you submit, more and more feedback what does you get from contest holder, progressively knows they with you, and very likely they chooses you also the greater.
one can maybe, shortly buyer's afters inserts project, directly bid they project. then direct asks out individualized buyer with PMB

5. Exaggerating ability
we oft exaggerate our ability, bicara that honest about our ability. if there is gives project's example that have once you work

6. No prove portfolio
how will buyer believe your ability if no prove if you can work project her. for list portfolio you to making sure buyer.

7. Cheap over price love / over expensive
Tips for you. At bid project's startups as always, according to bugdet what do be of service, then order ship passes PMB / Private, directly asks buyer, "you have budget gets what? continually how detail projectnya?" directly if there is signal from buyer, propose bid's price is adjusted with buyer's wish.

8. Over Promise
this fond buyer's dejected cause, there are many promise, e.g. can work in the period of one day, terminologicaling me sih, we are clear even gets what time actually we can cause? clear in details timeliness, day one of we do whatever? need time gets what hour perhari, just say what can you do.

9. Under Deliver
after wins bid, one can maybe don't cause disappointed clien, from temen I often get project that slightly swerves from agreement early, but nix, if is still that we can handle, so has us to work as good as maybe, so buyer perceives cozy and buyer will do re-buying service

10. Egoist, don't want to know freelancer's humanity
at all points that selfish person never delicate, finally must bankrupt, stayed behind by friend, if at frelancer's the world, don't try to become selfish person, better interlace another frelancer's networking . Who knows they has project and needs our help

7 Habits of a Highly Successful Freelance

Love what you do

If you work for a large company, it?s easy to clock in, do your job and then leave it behind at the end of the day. I?ve seen companies where the staff just don?t seem to care about what they do: either the projects they are working on or the profession in general. For them it?s just a day job and they wouldn?t dream of reading a web design book or going to a conference outside office hours.

To be a successful freelancer, you need to have a passion for what you do. Passion (with the aid of caffeine) will keep you working late into the night when the rest of your friends are down the pub or fast asleep. Equally passion will keep you focused, motivated and away from the TV when times are slow. It?s the driving factor that got you into the industry in the first place, and in all likelihood the reason why you chose to go freelance.

Passion is particularly important when dealing with potential employers, be they design agencies or end clients. As somebody who uses freelancers myself, being able to demonstrate your love for the industry is much more important than your experience or technical ability. After all you can teach somebody a new skill, but you can?t teach them to enjoy their work. Ultimately this passion will be contagious and will rub off onto your clients, prospects and the work you do.

Never stop learning

Web design is a multi-disciplinary skill that?s as broad as it is deep. Every day new ideas or techniques are discovered and sometimes it?s hard to keep pace. However the best web designers are endlessly inquisitive and always want to keep abreast of the latest trends and technologies. They will scour the web reading every blog post or article they can find, their RSS reader literally building under the weight of new content. Their Amazon wishlist will be full of the latest titles and they will always have a couple of unread books lying around just waiting to be digested. Simply put, the successful freelance web designer loves what they do and is constantly learning how they can do it better.


Having a broad range of skills is vital as a freelancer as you never know what you may be expected to do. However gone are the days when you can get by being a Jack-of-all-trades. Now you need to specialise. Some skills are more in demand than others, but if you?re the top of your field in a particular language or skill, you?ll always be in demand.

Information Architecture is a hot field at the moment, as more and more companies focus on improving the user experience. Good graphic designers are also extremely thin on the ground, especially those who have an understanding of Interface design and the vagaries of CSS. And while on the subject of web standards, it seems that companies can?t find good standards based developers fast enough. Traditional programming languages will always be popular, particularly if you understand higher level concepts such as OOP and UML. However Ruby on Rails is the language du jour (OK, I know Rails isn?t a language), so if you happen to be a Rails expert, you won?t be short of a contract or ten.

It?s important not to specialise at the expense of your other skills. Clients and agencies like well rounded people with a wide set of interests. Your skills should resemble an inverted T. Generally very broad but with one (or preferably more) areas of deep knowledge.

Get a killer portfolio

As a freelancer, your resume isn?t worth the disk space it?s saved onto. Instead what you need is a killer portfolio. If you are new to freelancing, building up a portfolio can be quite tricky. The best way to do this is to contact friends and family and offer to build them a website. I?m not suggesting you do this for FREE as this is potentially damaging to the industry and can also leave you in the difficult situation where your work isn?t valued. If you must do something for FREE, consider offering your services to a charity or community group who just wouldn?t be able to afford the services of a professional designer. Alternatively, create your own personal project or sandbox where you can demonstrate your ideas. I?ve hired freelancers in the past based solely on the basis of their personal work.

If you?ve been working on the web for a while, don?t post up every project you?ve ever done. You?re only as good as your last couple of projects so put your best foot forward and showcase your most recent work. After all, Nobody wants to see a website you created back in 2002, no matter how good it was. People are very visual, so portfolios are a much easier prospect for designers. If you are a developer or Information Architect, case studies may be the better way to go. A good case study will allow you to explain your involvement with the project, justify the decisions you made and demonstrate how you contributed to the success of the project. Above all, be honest. If you didn?t do the design, or worked in partnership with another agency, let people know.

Network like crazy

As the old saying goes, ?it?s not what you know, it?s who you know?. This couldn?t be more true as a freelance web designer. The best way to get work is to use your contacts and network like crazy. When starting out, let all of your friends and family know what you are doing. Ask if they know anybody who needs a website and whether they would mind introducing you. If you are going directly after end clients, local business networking events are a great source of contacts. Events like the local chamber of commerce are a great way to meet potential customers or gain those all important referrals.

Targeting end clients can be very time consuming and costly. Instead, consider letting others do the work by contracting direct with a design agency. Agencies are always on the lookout for reliable freelancers, often at a moments notice. These agencies do the hard work of finding and managing clients, leaving you to get on and do what you?re best at. If you can hook up with half a dozen agencies in your local area, you should find enough work to keep you busy. One way to find potential agencies is to email everybody in your local area and let them know that you are available for freelance work. An even better way is to go where other web developers hang out. Geek events.

Going to pub meets, user groups and conferences is one of the best ways to make useful connections. On a basic level, people much prefer doing businesses with somebody they have met and feel comfortable with. Next time they need help on a particular project, they are much more likely to remember you and get in touch. If they know you are actively looking for projects, they are also more likely to recommend you to other people.

Networking sounds like a scary thing to do, but in reality it?s usually just a case of hanging out with people in your industry, sharing war stories and occasionally getting some work out of it.

Manage your time

As a freelancer, you need to make sure you manage your time well, and keep on top of all the administrate tasks you need to do. Many people expect to do less work as a freelancer then when they were in full time employment. However this couldn?t be further from the truth. As well as doing the work you get paid for, you also need to market yourself, manage your projects, do your accounts and everything else that?s involved in running a small business.

When you?re busy, it is very tempting to work all the hours under the sun. Even when you?re not rushed off your feet, the work you have always expands to fill the time available. To combat this you need to put some boundaries on your time and manage your work-life balance. This is particularly true if you work from home. Make sure people know the difference between your work time and your home time. Just because you?re at home doesn?t mean you have time to do the dishes, clean the house and take out the trash. Conversely don?t participate in avoidance techniques like doing the chores, making snacks or watching TV. As well as putting on the pounds, you?ll end up spending twice as much time working as you really need to.

One of the benefits of being a freelancer is being your own boss, so make sure you?re both strict and fair. Feel free to be flexible with your hours, but if you email a client at 10pm, don?t be surprised if they phone or email you outside regular office hours as well. If you find your attention fading, rather than sitting in front of the computer take a walk or go down the gym for an hour. When you come back you?ll be refreshed and much more productive.

Build your reputation

One of the best ways of becoming a successful freelancer is to become the person people want to do business with. That way, rather than searching for new clients, they will come to you. To do this you need to build a solid reputation. You can do this by doing great work and turning past clients into new sources for referrals. You can also build your reputation by sharing your experiences and knowledge through writing articles, blogging and speaking at local events. By building your reputation as an expert, people will be happy using your services and recommending you to others. Blogging is a particularly good way of doing this and is something I highly recommend. When looking for a new freelancer I?ll get a much better sense of their interests and abilities though their blog than I?d ever get from reading a resume. It?s a great marketing tool, so if you don?t have a blog, you should set one up straight away.

Source 7 Habits :

The Most Important Part of Freelancing : Client Communication

adciti's blog life!

As a solo freelancer, the easiest and most consistent way to find work is to connect with design or marketing firms who are looking for reliable contractors. In fact, over half of my own clients are firms who use me as a website contractor. So over the years, I've had a good share of conversations with clients concerning their frustrations with other freelancers (usually resulting in more work for me). Interestingly enough, the most common problem these clients have with freelancers is not related to talent or skill, but rather communication. In fact, a client told me this week that he'd happily take a sub-par freelancer who communicated well over a talented freelancer who did not. So here are a few points to consider for any freelancer:

Answer message quickly, even when an answer seems unnecessary.
Never forget that the whole reason a client has hired you is because they don't have the time or skillset to do something themselves. In other words, they need you and if they can't get in touch with you, their helplessness increases exponentially. Imagine trying to get a client to pay your invoice and you only get ambiguous responses days after you ask. Even if you don't have an answer to their email or you can't complete their task for a week, at least email to let them know you got their email. Yes, this seems unnecessary at times, but you'll be amazed at how often clients interpret the lack of email acknowledgement as freelancer laziness or apathy. See yourself as the expert and let them feel that they're being taken care of.

Stay proactive in your communication.
Again, be willing to message clients even when it seems a bit redundant or unnecessary. If you've told a client that you'll start their project next week on the 11th, then when the 11th rolls around, send messege them again and assure them that you are now beginning the project. Often, freelancers only email when they have questions and when the project launches. Some clients are fine with this methodology, but to be honest, most clients don't like the idea of placing all their faith in a freelancer's deadline promise. Don't take this as an affront to your trustworthiness -- they just want to see progress along the way. So keep the initiative on your side during a project and your clients will trust you more down the road.

Be honest and straightforward.
An easy trap to fall into is trying to impress clients with your promises instead of your work. Don't give your client the absolute best-case scenario when you're discussing a project. I've seen many freelancers kill their client relationship by promising a super-fast turnaround and failing to deliver (promising a week turnaround and taking a month or more). Honestly, the client would have been fine if they were just told that it would take a month. But by promising the project in a week and failing to deliver, the freelancer has lost future trust with the client. Words are cheap and clients who have been in business for any length of time know that. Be honest, and execute on your honesty.

Spend time on being excruciatingly clear.
Assumptions can cause major problems, especially in a world where so many decisions are made by email. Make liberal use of lists, inline email responses, and reiterations of instructions. Don't be ashamed to use simple language and basic lists. It's no fun to have tasks completely undone because everyone assumed someone else was doing it. Unfortunately, more often than not, a good freelancer finds that they're doing more "project management" than the actual client. Don't let this frustrate you -- developing these management skills are a great asset for the future of your freelancing.

Don't be afraid of the phone.
Most freelancers wouldn't mind a bit if clients never called them. After all, why can't all business be conducted by email? Well, for one, some clients (especially older people) will simply prefer phone calls. Secondly, misunderstandings are always easier and faster to resolve via phone. Thirdly, voice communication creates a much more "human relationship" than email does -- and relationships are still the cornerstone of any service-based business. So always be ready to pick up the phone when necessary.

All in all, keep in mind that communication is your client's lifeline. Although you may not see it as being that important (you'd rather be actually working on the project), your client has probably had enough bad experiences with other freelancers. I guarantee that if you consistently and honestly communicate with your client, you will be better than 90% of other freelancers and create a clientele that is very happy and extremely loyal.

One of the tougher aspects of freelancing is making sure you get paid a fair amount for your work. I'm sure every freelancer has at least one story of either getting grossly underpaid or not getting paid at all. So here are seven tips to help you improve your quoting.

  1. "Discover" the client's budget. When you initially talk to clients, very few will volunteer their budget because they want to hire you for the least amount possible. So to get them to show their cards, try using a preliminary "discovery" worksheet for them to fill out. Have this worksheet ask questions about their goals, timeframe, and of course, budget (although you may want to assure them that this is not for quoting purposes, but to better "explore" possibilities). Clients seem to be more forthright when the process is formalized.

  2. Spend time on your proposal. As nice as a potential client may seem, as agreeable as his terms may seem in your initial communication, always create a proposal and always put in the time to make sure it covers everything. And of course, don't start without it, even if the client is in a hurry. Make sure it covers both client and contractor responsibilities, expectations, requirements, payment terms, terms for changes outside the proposal, and everything else you can think of. Since clients often have a larger scope in mind than they communicate, a couple hours on this document could save you dozens later.

  3. Charge by the hour. Instead of providing a project price and finding out later that you misquoted (and thus, you have to eat some costs), simply tie your quote to an estimated hourly rate and time frame ($70/hr for 40 hours). Not only does this make quoting easier, but clients understand that they are buying a block of time that you think will be enough to finish the project. They will be more forgiving if you need more hours (versus quoting a project price, which clients will hold you to).

  4. Up your estimated cost by 10%-20%. Especially when you're starting out, it's natural to want to impress clients with "best-scenario" quotes that are lower than all your competition. However, you never want to be put in a position where you need to cut corners or give a subpar effort just to achieve a quote that you set too tightly. Furthermore, there are many hours that you will spend in communication, asset collection, and general administration (not to mention any snags you may run into). So do yourself a favor and give yourself enough time (because asking a client for more time/money is generally not a good habit). You will probably still be on the lower end of the quotes the client receives.

  5. Set and manage expectations. If you're quoting by project, let them know the cost and timeframe for additional changes. If you are quoting by the hour and giving them a total time estimate, let them know when you're getting close to that quoted total time and whether you will be able to hit it. It may be helpful to have a clause that says if your total time is within 10% of your time quote, you will not charge more (this gives you extra money for finishing quicker and saves them money if you take a bit longer). Clients don't like surprises: keep them informed on your current time status and let them know at proposal time the possibility of "run-over" and charges associated with extra changes.

  6. Collect up front. Outside of recurring maintenance work or very tiny projects (under $500), always collect some portion up front. This shows that the client is serious and much less likely to bail mid-project. You shouldn't have an issue getting 50% up front on most projects. If the project is pretty large, you may want to try 33% at the start, and another 33% at a predetermined milestone.

  7. Set a final payment milestone. If you create websites, invoice the final payment the moment the site is live. If it's a print job, invoice upon delivered goods. And so on. Since the client knows these invoices are coming (and that their project is effectively done), use shorter payment terms as well. If you aren't exact and business-like about your payment schedule, clients will ride ther debt as long as they can.

From friends who think I make easy money to my mother who (lovingly) admonishes me to get a real job, everybody seems to have their own idea of what freelancing is all about. Many of these ideas come from misconceptions of the freelancing life, and here are eight of the most popular:

1. Freelancers Only Have to Work a Little
Many folks assume that the real reason people begin freelancing is so that they can finally work their own hours and relax. This is not altogether true (hence it being on a list entitled "Eight Misconceptions About Freelancing"). Although it's true that I do "wake up later," it's only because I'm up until 4AM working on something or other that needs my attention. One day, I hope I can wake up later due to passive income streams, but for now, freelancing requires multiple hats and overhead. And yes, there are some days when I wonder if I made the right choice (but those days are still few compared to the days that I'm glad for my own schedule and the ability to cook large amounts of bacon at any time).

2. Freelancers Make Lots of Money
This misconception is more popular among people not in the website industry. They know a friend who's a freelance web designer and charges $70 an hour. Given a 40-hour work week, that's $10,000 a month! Right? Well, that's true if you could always fill 40 hours a week and only do billable work (and if you're the one freelancer who has accomplished this, then check a mirror because you actaully don't exist). The reality is, you're fortunate if half your hours are billable. Plus, you're usually paying more taxes (about double here in the States), often covering your own health insurance, and supplying your own retirement account. All in all, many freelancers actually make less than they could in a corporate world.

3. Freelancers Live Stress-Free Lives
When you're freelancing, you're not just enduring the stress of one job (whether that be designer, developer, or writer), but you're also dealing with the stress of every other job. This includes clients, finances, schedules, budgets, subcontractors, and many other issues, all while knowing that your paycheck is dependent on handling all of this.

4. Freelancers Have Few Future Career Outlets
The logic goes, if you're the only employee, there's no vertical career mobility. What this logic doesn't take into account is the fact that, unlike the corporate employee, the freelancer is the boss. Freelance your whole life? You could. Start your own firm? Why not. Build web apps or the next big idea? If you want. Plus, I've seen many freelancers get great offers from companies or startups looking for someone who can operate efficiently and effectively on their own.

5. Freelancers Live Paycheck to Paycheck
Unlike #2 (where outsiders believe that freelancers make a lot of money), this misconception is often assumed by people within the website industry. They may have had their share of freelance and found little money in it. So do freelancers live from paycheck to paycheck? My answer is "no more so than your normal corporate employee does." And actually, if a freelancer has been solo for any amount of time, chances are that they are pretty good at handling finances and keeping good tabs on invoices and mortgage bills. It's true that freelancers don't have that assured biweekly check, but it's not like they're waiting insecurely for random donations ? after all, they are the ones sending the invoices and setting the payment terms.

6. Freelancers Get Socially Starved
If you know a freelancer who seems particularly introvertive, it's most likely because he or she chooses to be. The world is just too big and connected (thanks to the internet and the plentitude of social networks) for anyone to not have some social outlets. Work is not the only place to meet people nor do all your friends need to know what CSS stands for :-). And if you live near a decent sized city, there's bound to be a MeetUp group to your liking as well. Sure, we don't have the dynamics of having coworkers, but most of us find other ways to connect.

7. Freelancers Appreciate Any Work They Can Get
Work opportunities are good. But it seems that when you're a freelancer, all your friends will contact you with potential jobs from their sister, their uncle, and their orthodontist (I've had all three happen to me). They're very well-meaning, trying to help out with referrals, but very few of these ever pan out. Although a lot of my pro bono work comes from friends, the work that keeps me financially afloat usually comes from my client/professional network.

8. Freelancers Would Never Go Back to Corporate
Ahhh...the freelance life...where you have no boss, no worries, and the freedom to work on the most amazing projects in the world. Why would anyone ever go back to a corporate job? Well, for starters, maybe because that first sentence is not true. Although there are a lot of perks to freelancing that I love, it's by no means paradise, and there are some opportunities that only exist in larger companies. I've seen many freelancers go back to a corporate position that both gives them flexibility and allows them to be part of some pretty amazing things.

There are many popular mega-lists out there nowadays (75 Ways to Boost your Self-Esteem, 101 Ways to Open Firefox, 503 Ways to Make Your List Longer). But often, these lists have too many "filler" items, and many items have such diminuitive returns that I'd rather just have a list of their ten best items. So in that vein, here is a list of what I consider my favorite productivity tips ? ten in all. Feel free to add your own favorites (and then maybe we can get to 101).

1. Make Lists and Finish Them ? Write down goals for the day, the week, and the month -- using a simple Hipster PDA or a giant whiteboard will do. And more importantly, get it done (i.e., be willing to stay up until 2AM to finish that blog post you had on your list).

2. Blackout Your Communication ? A common methodology of writers, block off a chunk of hours, lock the door, shut down the email and cell phone, and force yourself to work on your task list. And when you feel like you're getting nothing done, don't give in ? force yourself to keep working.

3. Don't Sleep with Unanswered Emails ? It's understandable if some emails require a short wait, but for the most part, always try to answer emails the same day. Besides just "getting it done," it builds a healthy rapport with your correspondents.

4. Prioritize Commitments - Decide what's important and what's not. Then decide if low-priorities are killing the high-priorities. If so, drop some of the commitments and don't take on any more.

5. Start Gap Tasking ? Unfortunately, life is still full of commutes, long lines, and waiting times. This is a great time to do a bit of reading, phoning, or note-jotting (just beware of becoming the annoying cellphone-talker in the supermarket). Personally, I like having a moleskine and something to read at all times (either a magazine like Inc. or the RSS feeds on my iPhone).

6. Socialize Positively ? There's something about being around positive and motivated people that fires up productivity in oneself. Not only do you get chances to bounce new ideas off others, you will often get encouragement and perhaps a little competitive drive from such interactions.

7. Just Launch It ? No project is ever really complete. So instead of playing the perfectionist and continually investing time and effort into dozens of revisions/additions, just launch the project as best you can. Not only will you feel like you've accomplished something (which feeds into a productivity boost), but you'll also quickly know what revisions/additions are the most pertinent.

8. Discipline Your Waste ? Most people have some sort of recreational "vice" -- movies, video games, Wikipedia, family (okay, just kidding about that last one). The problem usually isn't the participation in such activities, but the lack of knowing when to stop. Sometimes, it may take the cancellation or the uninstallation of a service to be more productive.

9. Try Acting Like a Business ? Both designers and developers alike tend to enjoy relaxed environments that usually include a Wii, casual wear, and maybe an Airzooka. Freelancers can be even more laid back, usually sporting pajamas and living in paper-piled offices. Unfortunately, slackness in your clothing and office space often leads to slackness in your work. Try cleaning the office, increasing the lighting, and wearing semi-casual wear. See if your productivity increases...

10. Show Up ? Building anything of value is never easy. Just "showing up" day after day is often the hardest part of any project. Always be the most reliable person you know...

Recommended Sites Freelance for IT

adciti's blog life!


Explanation of the terms and abbreviations used on freelance sites.

Please note ? although some of these terms are quite self-explanatory for English speaking freelancers, they can be misinterpreted or hard to understand for people from other countries.

Abbreviations of the freelance site names:
  • SL - - ScriptLance
  • GAF - - GetAFreelancer
  • RAC - - RentACoder
  • GAC - - GetACoder
  • JL - - JoomLancers
Terms and abbreviations commonly used on freelance sites:
  • freelancer : a self-employed provider
  • outsourcing : the delegation of the work or the part of the work, to an external resource (for example freelancers). With a growing popularity of this phenomenon, there emerged the freelance markets which provide the platform for contacting buyers with sellers
  • buyer, webmaster : both terms are used to describe a client
  • seller, provider : a person to do the contracted work (sometimes freelance sites use different terms ? like coder, programmer)
  • auction, project : an auction where a freelancer places his offer (bid)
  • bid : freelancer?s offer placed for a project (usually includes the price and description)
  • auto-bidder : freelancer, who puts ?blind? offers for multiple projects, usually even without reading the project description; the sort of provider avoided by more experienced buyers
  • invite-only : project open for invited providers only (to whom the buyer has sent his invites)
  • confirmation : acceptance of the selection for a project (required by some freelance boards)
  • featured : ?special? project ? the buyer has paid for its better exposure; quite often it?s a long-term contract (such projects cannot be posted as the common ones)
  • review : feedback given after the finished project; usually rating in 1-10 scale
  • escrow : deposit; seller places the price to be paid for a project in Escrow and waits for the work to be done; after that, he releases the deposited money and they are transferred into provider?s account
  • withdraw (al) : transferring the money from the account on the freelance site to the personal one (done using a cheque, wire-transfer, PayPal, etc.)
  • wire transfer : money transfer between 2 bank accounts
  • invoice : some freelance sites provide the feature of invoicing
  • mockup : a sketch or partial demonstration of the idea of finsihing the project; very often used to gain client?s attention before the project is awarded
  • rate (hourly) : the rate you declare to work for (estimate or average)
  • cancel : cancelling, terminating the project (from various reasons)
  • PM/PMB : private (or personal) message; private message board is used for direct communication with a buyer without it being seen by other providers
  • deadline : declared and agreed date of finishing the work on the project
  • supspend(ed) : freelancer?s account can be suspended in case of breaking the site TOS (Terms Of Service)
  • ASAP : as soon as possible; urgent project
  • FL : freelancing
  • NDA : Non Disclosure Agreement

Site Reviews Freelance Job Project for IT

Established services, with a long online presence, trustworthy and proved to do a good job. Finding the work with their assistance is safe.

Here you will find more detailed descriptions of a few freelance marketplaces, along with the list of their advantages and disadvantages.
These informations should help you in making the decision of which site to use.

1. GetAfreelancer helps webmasters, web designers, programmers, software developers and business owners to develop their projects. Our escrow feature is developed to protect both buyers and sellers. Our site is global and we have freelancers from India, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, United States, UK and many other parts of the world. We have thousands of satisfied clients around the world. If you never tried to contract work to another part of the world you have your chance today. Sign up free! We provide a safe escrow environment and you don?t release the money until project is completed.

GetAFreelancer is a great site and it?s expanding very quickly. In a very short time it has grown into a well known freelance marketplace and together with SLRAC they form the ?Big Three?. Over 300 projects posted daily.

Fees and comissions:

  • Project award comission: 10% of bid amount (minimum $5)
  • Project award comission for Golden Members: none
  • Featured project award comission: none
  • Golden Membership charge: $12/month
  • Golden Membership one-time research fee: none

Withdrawal methods:

  • - PayPal ($1.00 fee)
  • - E-Gold (5.00% fee)
  • - bank wire
  • - check
  • - Moneybookers ($0.75 fee)
  • - Western Union ($18.00 fixed and 8.00% fee is taken)


  • - number of the projects (over 200 projects posted daily!) and their variety
  • - reasonable fees and comissions
  • - interface and functions (for example - one account for both provider and buyer)
  • - refundable project posting fee (verifies the reliability of a buyer)
  • - monthly bid limit, eliminating mass bidding on the projects (auto-bidding)
  • - several withdrawal methods (cheque, PayPal, e-gold, wire transfer, Western Union, Moneybookers)
  • - very good and quickly acting support
  • - very attractive ?Golden Membership? program
  • - fast withdrawal processing


  • - no obligatory deposit
  • - project budget ranges

2. ScriptLance

The site provides a service that helps businesses find freelance programmers and designers for their projects. What began in early 2001 as a way to satisfy the custom programming demands at Smarter Scripts, has now become one of the Internet?s most popular freelance programming sites. ScriptLance has helped thousands stay under budget and helped many become more financially independent.

One of the best sites, both for people just starting in freelancing and for those more experienced.

Fees and comissions:

  • - Signup bonus: $1
  • - Project award comission: 5% of bid amount (minimum $5)
  • - Project award comission for Certified Programmers: 2.5%
  • - Featured project award comission: 1% of bid amount
  • - Certified Programmer charge: $25/month
  • - Certified Programmer one-time research fee: $10

Withdrawal methods:

  • - Paypal (no fee)
  • - E-Gold (2% fee)
  • - check - regular mail ($3 fee)
  • - check - FedEx Overnight ($38 fee)
  • - bank wire ($25 fee)


  • - number of the projects (over 150 posted daily) and their variety
  • - reasonable fees and comissions
  • - interface and functions (invited only projects, featured, job listings)
  • - several withdrawal methods (cheque, PayPal, e-gold, wire transfer)
  • - quick withdrawals (up to a few days maximum)
  • - own dedicated forum and support


  • - no obligatory deposit
  • - occasional problems with support

3. RentACoder

Rent A Coder is an international marketplace where people who need custom software developed can find coders in a safe and business-friendly environment. Buyers can cherry pick from a pool of over 145,000 coders enabling them to hire a coder across the country or across the globe? from the comfort of their computers. Buyers who wish to hire internationally, can take advantage of favorable overseas exchange rates, resulting in work being done for 50-90% less than if the project were done in-country. Coders are also given access to a huge pool of potential work and have the ability to work independently from their homes rather than for a company.

RentACoder is a site different than SL and GAF and for a beginner it may be harder to use. But due to its unique features it?s highly recommended after getting some more experience in freelancing.

Fees and comissions:

  • - Open Auction project comission: 15% of bid amount (minimum $3)
  • - One-on-One project comission: 12.5% of bid amount (minimum $3)
  • - Bonus / Direct Payment comission: 10% of bid amount (minimum $3)
  • - Bulletin board project comission: none

Withdrawal methods:

  • - PayPal
  • - mail check (United States: $5, Non-United States: $10)
  • - Western Union (US: variable Western Union fee + $5, Non-US: variable Western Union fee + $10)


  • - number of the projects and their variety
  • - obligatory deposit (Escrow)
  • - slightly higher average prices
  • - interface and functions (arbitrage system, better ranking system, conversation between buyer and seller is recorded)
  • - very good and quickly working support
  • - pre-moderated projects
  • - ?Top Coder? ranking giving the additional exposure to your bid


  • - higher fees deducted from payment
  • - few withdrawal methods (cheque, PayPal, Western Union)
  • - withdrawals processed only twice a month (around the half and the end of the month)
  • - occasional problems with database and other temporary system issues

4. Joomlancers

If you require professional Joomla/Mambo website design or development for your business, whether its a long-term job or just a single project, you will find the help you need here at the prices you want to pay. No matter how big or small your budget is, Joomla freelancers from around the world will compete for your business at JoomLancers.

That?s it! Your project is then closed, your are put in contact with the chosen freelancer who will begin working, you can leave a review, and pay them when you are ready to pay them. Our fee: only $5, which is deducted from your JoomLancers account only after your project closes. We even give you 30 days time to pay that fee! Why? Because we are confident you will be satisfied with the service JoomLancers provides.

It?s like getting an estimate from dozens of qualified professionals and then choosing the one you like most. You save time because you don?t need to shop around, and you save money because programmers/designer are competing for your business! JoomLancers is the number one choice for thousands of freelancers and businesses when it comes to Joomla/Mambo programming and design projects.

Site dedicated for projects related to Mambo and Joomla, but other project categories are also posted there: design, graphics, programming, translation, etc. Just a few projects are posted daily (around 10), but the budget of each of them is really interesting.
Another great thing about JoomLancers is that the number of buyers is higher than the number of providers - which is unusual for a freelance market. This shows high interest in Joomla and Mambo related projects and means that there will be more and more work coming this way.

Fees and comissions:

  • - Project award comission: 10% of bid amount (minimum $5)
  • - Project award comission for Golden Members: none
  • - Featured project award comission: none
  • - Golden Membership charge: $8-$10/month (depends on the plan selected)
  • - Golden Membership one-time research fee: none

Withdrawal methods:

  • - PayPal (free)
  • - wire transfer ($35.00)


  • - reasonable fees (10%, min. $5)
  • - easier competition (less providers)
  • - precise and well working rating system
  • - attractive "Gold Membership? program


  • - number of projects (ca. 10-15 projects posted daily)
  • - smaller popularity
  • - few withdrawal methods (PayPal, wire transfer)

5. GetACoder

GetACoder is a leading Global Services Marketplace doing business in more than 200 countries. Our unique system accelerates your time to market and provides your business with key competitive advantages. When you use GetACoder you are stretching your budget and saving as much as 60% over traditional outsourcing. GetACoder is changing business, now it?s no longer about what you own or build but which resources and talent you can access.

Site similar to ScriptLance/GetAFreelancer ? with a similar interface and offered features. Compared to the ?Big Three? (GAF, SL, RAC), there are less projects posted. Also their variety isn?t that rich ? the webdesign and programming ones are strongly dominating.

Fees and comissions:

  • - Project award comission: 10% of bid amount + $5
  • - Project award comission for Premium Members: 10% of bid amount
  • - Premium Member charge: $7.95/month
  • - Premium Member one-time research fee: none

Withdrawal methods:

  • - PayPal (free)
  • - E-Gold (5.9% + $0.45 fee)


  • - number of projects
  • - easier competition (less providers)
  • - one account for both provider and buyer
  • - attractive ?Premium Membership? program


  • - smaller popularity
  • - higher fees applied when a project is won
  • - few withdrawal methods (PayPal, e-gold)

Job Project For Programmer from scriptlance

adciti's blog life!


One of the best sites, both for people just starting in freelancing and for those more experienced.

The site provides a service that helps businesses find freelance programmers and designers for their projects. What began in early 2001 as a way to satisfy the custom programming demands at Smarter Scripts, has now become one of the Internet?s most popular freelance programming sites. ScriptLance has helped thousands stay under budget and helped many become more financially independent.

Fees and comissions:

  • Signup bonus: $1
  • Project award comission: 5% of bid amount (minimum $5)
  • Project award comission for Certified Programmers: 2.5%
  • Featured project award comission: 1% of bid amount
  • Certified Programmer charge: $25/month
  • Certified Programmer one-time research fee: $10

Withdrawal methods:

  • Paypal (no fee)
  • E-Gold (2% fee)
  • check - regular mail ($3 fee)
  • check - FedEx Overnight ($38 fee)
  • bank wire ($25 fee)


  • number of the projects (over 150 posted daily) and their variety
  • reasonable fees and comissions
  • interface and functions (invited only projects, featured, job listings)
  • several withdrawal methods (cheque, PayPal, e-gold, wire transfer)
  • quick withdrawals (up to a few days maximum)
  • own dedicated forum and support


  • no obligatory deposit
  • occasional problems with support

Quick Start

A short, illustrated guide showing you how to start working on one of the popular freelance sites ? starting from signing up and ending with the withdrawal of the earned money.

this site will be used as an example illustrating each step. The whole process is very similar for the other sites (especially for those based on a similar script ? GAF, GAC), so it should be easy after following the walk-through with ScriptLance as an example.

Registration (signing up)

After clicking on the ScriptLance banner above, you will be taken to the SL?s home page. To sign up as a freelancer (provider), click the ?Programmers? image (see the screenshot below).

Click image to enlarge

Then ?sign up? at the bottom of the page

Click image to enlarge

Enter email address. This address will be used to communicate with the site, so it has to be a valid one. You will receive an e-mail containing the link which will allow finishing the registration process.

Click image to enlarge

Clicking the link in the just received e-mail, you?ll be taken to the your profile page.
Fill in the following fields :
  • Nickname you?ll use for this site and the name of the company.
  • Your qualifications (designing, programming, etc.)
  • Average hourly rate and short description of the company and services you are providing
  • You can upload your logo and check if you want to be informed about the new projects matching your qualifications (as listed in your user profile). It?s a good idea to turn this feature on.
You?ll be able to change (update) these informations in the future by selecting ?Edit Account Info? in the user account management.

Click image to enlarge

After finishing setting-up your profile, you?ll see the information confirming your newly created account, the username and password. Don?t reveal this password to anyone.

Click image to enlarge

Congratulations! You?ve just registered your account and can start your work as a freelancer.


After setting up the account you can take part in an auction or even in a few ones. On the main page you?ll find the list of 10 recent projects (marked with (1) on the screenshot) and 10 Featured projects (marked with (2)).

To see the list of all the projects, click ?View All? (3).

Click image to enlarge

Once you see the interesting project, click on its name and enter the project auction page, with the project description (1) and providers? offers (2). You can place your bid (4) or send a Private Message (PM) to a buyer using PMB (3).

Click image to enlarge

Placing your offer ? bidding on the project. Declare the price you are ready to make the work for and the time needed for it (1), and put a comment describing your offer (2). You have also the possibility of selecting the option of being notified if someone place the offer lower than yours (3). You will see a confirmation of placing the bid on this project.

Click image to enlarge

The details of the project can be discussed using the Project Message Board (PMB). You?ll see the list of the private messages sent by other providers (1) and you can send your own message by clicking ?Post Reply? (2).

WARNING! You can?t post any form of contact (e-mail, IM, etc.) ? it is possible only in case of the Featured projects.

Click image to enlarge

To send a Private/Personal Message (PM), write it in the message field (1), you can also send the message to everyone ? then the ?Private Post? (2) field should be left empty. By default there is a webmaster?s nickname written in it.

Click image to enlarge

A short explanation of one of the most important pages ? account management panel. You can see:

  • the most recent financial transactions (transfers, fees, withdrawals) with the option of displaying the full list (1)
  • projects you have bidded on (with a possibility of withdrawing the bid from active projects and the option of displaying the full bidding history) (2)
  • projects won and writing a review for the webmaster (and a list of all the won projects) (3)
  • financial transactions including money withdrawal (4)

If you have convinced the buyer and he selects your offer, you?ll receive the e-mail informing about it
Additionally this e-mail will contain a link to the page where you can accept the selection (you have to confirm your acceptance of the work on this project). You also have the possibility of accepting or denying the selection on your account management screen (2).

Click image to enlarge

Congratulations ? you have won a project!

Now the work on it starts, then ? there?s handing the finished work and finally ? the payment for the work done (using the Escrow deposit is highly recommended).

After finishing the work and receiving the payment, both sides should write the reviews. It?s the common practice that it is a buyer to be the first to write a review, then a provider does it.

You write a review using the account management page ? next to the list of won projects, there are nicknames of the webmasters. Clicking on the right nick, you?ll enter the page, where you can rank this webmaster and write the review for the project you have just finished.

Click image to enlarge

Money withdrawal

You can request the withdrawal using one of the methods available ? cheque, PayPal, e-gold or wire transfer. Each method has its own fee for the processing.

Enter the amount you want to withdraw (1) and select the method of withdrawal (2).

Click image to enlarge

Depending on the method selected, fill-in the forms and?

Click image to enlarge

? wait until the money arrives.

Recommended another sites freelance job project IT

Step By Step to Get Project IT

adciti's blog life!


GetAFreelancer is a great site and it?s expanding very quickly. In a very short time it has grown into a well known freelance marketplace and together with SLRAC they form the ?Big Three?. Over 300 projects posted daily helps webmasters, web designers, programmers, software developers, Copywriting, Graphic Design and Translator to get job projects. Alot project can you found in here, after you finish project you will be pay. We have thousands of satisfied clients around the world. If you never tried to contract work to another part of the world you have your chance today. Sign up free!

The goal of GAF is to be a meeting place for serious business people. As a buyer, you have a project you need done that will help you or your business grow and prosper. The sellers on this site are here because they too are trying to make a decent living. They?re willing to provide the services that buyers need, and all they ask in return is to be paid a fair amount for their time and skills.

GAF was not designed to be a discount super center specializing in providing top-notch skills at rock-bottom prices. For this business to grow and attract high-quality buyers and sellers, every attempt must be made to use standard business practices and pricing when creating and bidding on projects.

Diagram Flow Getafreelance Work

You can receive a lot of value from your association with the professionals who sell their services here at GAF. All you have to do is treat them like you want to be treated yourself.

A short, illustrated guide showing you how to start working on one of the popular freelance sites and get project IT.

Registration (signing up)

After clicking on the Getafreelancer banner above, you will be taken to the GAF's home page. To sign up as a freelancer (provider), click the "sign-up" (see red arrow the screenshot below).

Complete form register. Enter your username (1) and email address (2). This address will be used to communicate with the site, so it has to be a valid one. You will receive an e-mail containing the link which will allow finishing the registration process. then Select "i agree to term and condition" to agree (3). If you want become a gold member, select box. If not, do not select (4). Then click "next" to step 2

In step 2 you must enter code verification (1). check you email. you will receive e-mail from getafreelancer. open email from GAF and copy code from that email. Then click next step 3

In step 3. Setting-up your profile. Complete you profile, because from profile is buyer project knows your ability and trusting your to work project

The Last step, check you email. you will receive email from getafreelancer to activation you account and Congratulations! You've just registered your account and can start your work as a freelancer.

The Biggest Freelancer Mistake Why They Cannot Get Project is

They Just Register, Do nothing, No browse project, No. Action Bid, No make communication with buyer.

To get project you must active to look for project that you can work. In this site a lot project can you follow. to detail how to follow project you can read in "get your job project IT "


After setting up the account you can take part in an auction or even in a few ones. To get project you must active browse project. On the main page you?ll find the list of projects and make bid project then you must active make communication with buyer project (PMB buyer), ask detail project and convince buyer if you can up to project on time.

Step By Step to Get Project

After complete registration. open Getafreelancer
First you login in your account. click menu login (1) then enter you username and you password (2).

After login. In you account, you can see "main menu" (1)
  • Edit account info : in this menu you can change you profile. You profile is very important to trust buyer project. so complete you profile
  • Provider activity : this menu to use check following project, you won project and make communication with you buyer project
  • Buyer activity : this menu use if you reserve project. You can check your project and make communication with your provider project.

To find project click menu "browse project" (1) and will be show list project (2 & 3), or you can browse project in this site.

Once you see the interesting project, click on its name and enter the project auction page, with the project description and providers? offers (1). If you want follow project. You can place your bid (3) or send a Private Message (PM) to a buyer using PMB (2). You can see competitor (4) and they bid, so you must convince reserve project if you are is the best and you can finish they project on time.

After you click "Bid on this project", will be show form bidding condition. with budget buyer project (1). so place you bid appropriate with the budget (2). and you must finish that project on time (3).

The details of the project can be discussed using the Project Message Board (PMB). You?ll see the list of the private messages sent by other providers and you can send your own message by clicking ?Post Reply? .

WARNING! You can?t post any form of contact (e-mail, IM, etc.) ? it is possible only in case of the Featured projects.

Now the work on it starts, then ? there?s handing the finished work and finally ? the payment for the work done (using the Escrow deposit is highly recommended).

After finishing the work and receiving the payment, both sides should write the reviews. It?s the common practice that it is a buyer to be the first to write a review, then a provider does it.


Every month you will get 15 chance to bid project (for free member). So use all you chance for won project.
Never dare to try.

Honestly, it?s really difficult to get your first job. Let?s talk about the first site. You will see many projects, listed every where. Don?t be worried; just register on this site. REMEMBER to fill your profile well enough, because people will see your profile before they give any work to you. Online jobs are not that easy to get

How can you get a project for high rates when there are many other people applying for the same project and they have great ratings too, where you don?t even have one rating. So, go for the lowest price. After you place a bid, you go back to the project description page and look for a small icon called PM (Private Message). PM is the key factor in success of Online Jobs.

Now click on it, and send a message to the creator of the project and tell him that you are new but you can do an excellent job for him and that you will do it for the lowest price that he wants to pay for the project. After you send the PM, wait for the reply, if there is a reply then (bingo), there is a good chance of wining that project. Your Online Jobs career will start when you win your first project.

Open the PM box to see what the buyer replied and act accordingly. Few things to Remember: First of all, you can place bids on 15 projects in the first websites mentioned above, in contrast to the second website where you can place bids on as many projects as you like to. In first website, if you become a gold member, you can then place bids on 160+ projects, which means that you can do many Online Jobs. I prefer you upgrade to gold member as soon as you earn $12.

Here are few advantages of gold membership. There will be no extra fees. For example if you win a project worth of $100 and you are a gold member, then you will get the whole $100 after you complete the project. But if you are not a gold member, then you have to pay a fee (5%). It costs $12 per month to become a Gold member. I suggest you first find work on this site, then when you earn a little money, you then pay $12 and become a Gold member.

ALWAYS, remember to send a PM to the creator of the project after you place a bid there. As I said before, PM is the most important factor in success of online jobs, so always remember to send PM.

The 2 Biggest Freelancer Mistake is:

"No Communication" and "No Bids Actions"